Rabu, 10 November 2010

FM 2011 Facepack and Logopack

After Release on November 5th 2010,,

I have finished download Football Manager 2011 :D
Now is time to customize (read : add some addons) on my FM 2011.

Facepack, I have put this to most of my previous FM,,
for 2011 version, you can download Megapack of Facepack at mediafire link.
File contains of 17 parts of 7zip format, with each size 199 MB "=.=

update, for Logopack FM 2011 you can download at meidafire link, consist of 11 part, each 199 MB :D
Appearance of the logo is in accordance with the original version, without box and the surrounding lines.
This is the recomended one to download.

*all download link credit to argaaa @kaskus
all password : argaaa


10 komentar:

  1. tengkyu bro,,,

    btw,,bisa copy hardisk aja ngga?

    salam kenal,

  2. salam kenal mas sony.....thanks atas info face pack-nya....but, internet lg lemot neh. Kira2 bis ga send by email aka face pack download punya mas sony ke k3m4l.azulgrana@gmail.com...please yah ....internet lemot neh ..

  3. password logopacknya apa boss

  4. password liat di trit kaskusnya dong :p

    pass : argaa

  5. @kemal,,salam kenal,,
    haduh sorry, kalo nge-attach di email, berat euy,,
    dsini upload juga berat,, :D

  6. Mau tanya mas sonny,

    saya udah unduh 17 file megapack, dan saya gabungkan menggunakan 7Zip, menjadi Megapack archive, setelah saya mau ekstrack Megapack, error messagenya password salah, saya sudah masukan password : argaa, tapi tetap error juga

    Mohon pencerahannya. Terima Kasih

  7. salah bro passwordnya,,,

    a-nya 3,,,

  8. semuanya harus di donlot ni bos ?
